It rained with thunder and lightning thought the night. We suited up preparing to ride in the rain but as we descended towards Medellín the sun came out.

It was a short ride but beautiful ride along a river basin and of course it became uncomfortably hot the lower we got. By the time we stopped for lunch in Amagá, we had to strip off a few layers or be steamed to death. We had lentil soup at a roadside restaurant and then pushed on to the city. The traffic got more intense the closer we got and required a lot of agressive maneuvering. Tameka and I got separated in the chaotic flow several times but managed to stay relatively close. Over the helmet intercom, I could hear the anxiety in Tameka's voice elevating slightly as the cars and motorbikes swarmed around us. Fortunately the course to our hotel was pretty simple and before long the bikes were safely tucked away in the parking garage.

We spent the afternoon walking around the El Poblado neighborhood which is a trendy, urban hip area in the city. Blocks and blocks of beautiful parks, boutique shops, restaurants and cafes. It was hard to decide where to have dinner. In the end we chose a place that specialized in organic greens and local sourced meat. It was a good choice. We are going to spend two nights here so we can go explore the art district tomorrow.