A very relaxed day. I woke late and took my time packing up. I wandered around Santa Rosalia for a while and enjoyed a peaceful cup of coffee in a cafe overlooking the town square. The barista was very nice and kindly spoke Spanish slowly so I could understand her. I've noticed that some people intuitively speak slowly and enunciate with me. Others... not so much. Later in the day I asked a petrol attendant to please speak slower. He did so for his entire next sentence. Then back to unmercifully fast. I really don't mind if people talk to be like I'm a child. I need that! I have been faithful to only speaking Spanish no matter how painful. Even if people speak to me in English. I ask them to please speak in Spanish because I need to hear it. Everyone has been very patient with me.

The ride down the Gulf Coast was just stunning. The sea was so blue and the mountains were surprisingly green. It was still windy but compared to the last two days it was very tolerable. I could look around while riding without fearing my head would get pulled off. I considered camping on the beach but it was still a little too blustery so I rolled on. Once leaving the coast and heading inland the temperature increased to 94º. Tolerable but noticeably hot. I found a really lovely private campground to stay the night. The owners set me up under a big shade structure with a hammock. Their family dog and I made friends and he checks on me in my tent from time to time.