I met the most patient ticket agent at the Baja Ferries. I went there to try to figure out the ferry schedule. There were no signs or anything to indicate a customer entrance. I asked a security guard and he pointed me in the general direction but I had to go through a gate marked "Authorized Vehicles Only". Sometime you just have to be bold. I rolled through and saw a lot of port workers and large trucks being loaded but still no signage. I went as far as a could and recognized a customs inspection checkpoint. I knew I didn't want to go through there so I parked. No one was paying any attention to me so I look around a bit and wandered into a building. There I saw what looked like a ticketing agent. The ticket agent was friendly and allowed me to try to negotiate the transaction in Spanish. She would switch to English just to be sure I understood from time to time but then switched back to Spanish. I had to run back out to the bike twice because I didn't have the proper paperwork in hand and the whole transition took almost an hour to sort out. She told me I needed to print out some documents in order to load and that I should show up 4 hours before departure. She also explained that I would need to provide four tie-down straps for the motorcycle. I wondered how a non-English speaking foreigner would be treated in my country given a similar situation. I was very grateful and now I have a ticket to cross to the mainland on Saturday.