Got up, made some coffee and went for a walk along the beach. Even at 6:30 in the morning I was already sweating. I took my time packing up and tried to clean some of the mud off of my riding gear. I had planned to visit the Manuel Antonio National Park today but I didn’t know that you have to pre-book your visit. When I arrived at the park, all of the tickets for the day were already sold. I decided that I would ride down to the Osa Peninsula and try to visit the Corcovado National Park (the largest in Costa Rica). Before setting out I pulled into a car wash so Tiggrr could get a bath. All shiny again! The ride to today was pretty straight forward along the coast. I noticed that most of the land along this route has been converted to palm oil plantations. Palm oil makes up 38% of the world’s vegetable oil supply though the cultivation of these plantations has a high environmental impact. Once I turned off the highway towards the peninsula the jungle returned and the shaded roadway provide slightly cooler temperatures. I pulled into Puerto Jiménez about 3:30 and found a small, very rustic place to camp near the marina. Unfortunately when I started looking into visiting the National Park I found out that the park office had already closed for the day. You need to book your permits (in person) the day before you go into the park so I won’t be able to visit until Monday. I’m going to play it by ear tomorrow. I might wait and go into the park on Monday and I might go ahead and cross into Panama. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.