Mother Nature made me earn my miles today. Through the rainy, cold and windy conditions, I patiently counted down the miles. I intended to reach the Fin Del Mundo (end of the world) today. Ushuaia had been a fantasy for over 20 years and finally it was becoming a reality.

I know that Ushuaia is just a MacGuffin. In this case a destination that gives focus to the journey. Everyday it serves to drive the adventure forward but it of course has no more value than anywhere else along the road. An adventure needs a MacGuffin but the achievement of that goal is not really the point. That's said, I did have a big smile on my face as I rolled into town even though I was soaked and shivering.

I have ridden 19,256 miles since rolling out of my garage on October 18th. I have the same feeling that I get when summiting a mountain. A sense of triumph of course but also the unsettling feeling that it is a long way back to safety. Though I have reached this goal, the journey is not over.

I decided to push through the rain today because I had been invited to the Super Bowl party at the end of the world (Fin del Mundo). Who could pass that up. I'm going to be meeting up with several other riders at the Hard Rock Cafe in Ushuaia to watch the game and to enjoy some camaraderie.

For many years, it has been my tradition to watch the game with my Dad. This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I won't be there to enjoy it with him. My community of friends and family have been so supportive in my adventure. It truly has been that fuel that has propelled me here. I miss you all! My real goal is to find my way back home.

And thanks to the magic of the internet, I will be able to connect with my Dad during the game.