I slept great to the sound of rain falling on my tent. Waking at about 6:30, the rain was really coming down. I laid there in my sleeping bag for quite a while listening to the patter and contemplating what my day was going to look like. At about 7:30, I thought the rain might be letting up so I started packing. After loading the bike, I went and met with a guide from the coffee co-op. A young woman from the local village named Gladis who spoke very good English explained that this cooperative had been founded by her grandfather and several other young men in 1984. They currently mange 120 hectares (about 300 acres) and have 480 members. They are the largest organic coffee producer in their export federation. Gladis walked me through the planting and growing process, explaining the varieties of coffee plants that grew in this region. She showed me how the coffee was harvested and processed before we went back to the community building to do a tasting. Gladis explained that the children of co-op members can join when they turn eighteen. It takes a monetary investment and a one-year unpaid internship during which they learn all of the aspects of the coffee business. Gladis also demonstrated how to make a proper cup of coffee... I've been doing it so wrong all these years! It was a fantastic tour with some very delicious coffee. I drank enough that I had a pretty good caffeine buzz by the time I hit the road. It was still raining and continued to rain most of the day. I had a little bit of everything thrown at me today. The roads were slick and heavily trafficked, winding up to over 9500 feet. I saw some of the steepest roads I have ever seen with grades over 30%. My brakes, gearbox, clutch and brain got a full-on workout today as it took me over 7 hours to cover a mere 140 miles at an average speed of 22mph. The mountains were stunning when I could see them through my rain blurred visor and I rode through many colorful and bustling villages. There was a lot to see. It was not the best day to take photos so you will just have to take my word for it. I was aiming to reach Antiqua today but at some point I realized I wasn't going to make it before dark. I bailed out into a touristy town on the edge Atitlan Lake and am staying in a hostel. I arrived just as the sun was setting ready to get out of my wet clothes, shower and have some dinner. We'll see what tomorrow brings but I hoping for better weather.